Charlie Williams
May 2, 2014
Charlie Williams
Charlie will always be remembered and loved especially by Minka, Peyton, Paul, Mona and Maui. “Charlie was a great dog!! Born and raised through puppy-hood in Hawaii, he naturally had a gentle heart. He was also very loving and funny! If his brothers, Paul and Peyton, got hurt, he would sniff all around them to make sure they were ok. His favorite toy was a squeaky rubber Mickey Mouse glove. He loved that toy so much!! We had lots of fun tossing it across the room and watching Charlie run after it and bring it back!! Charlie also enjoyed nature walks on warm sunny days and night-time speed races through the house with his cat sister Maui. We all loved him very much and we know he loved us too. He is missed everyday!!”
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A candle was lit by Peyton on 12/15/2015 10:01:00
A candle was lit by Minka on 12/15/2015 10:01:00
A candle was lit by Paul on 12/15/2015 10:00:00
( Mimnobreak@gmail )
Charlie sheen as a good granddog. He wiggled all aver when I came over, he was so happy to see me. He is misses.
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Image was uploaded by charlie on 05/02/2014 07:55:31
Image was uploaded by charlie on 05/02/2014 07:55:31
Image was uploaded by charlie on 05/02/2014 07:55:31
Image was uploaded by charlie on 05/02/2014 07:55:31
Image was uploaded by charlie on 05/02/2014 07:55:31
Image was uploaded by charlie on 05/02/2014 07:55:31
Image was uploaded by charlie on 05/02/2014 07:55:31
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